主 题:Asymptotic theory for the quadratic assignment procedure二次分配程序的渐近理论
主办单位:统计研究中心和统计学院 科研处
Lei Shi is a Ph.D. student in Berkeley Biostatistics, advised by Professor Jingshen Wang and Professor Peng Ding. He works on causal inference and high dimensional statistics. Lei obtained his B.S degree from School of Mathematical Sciences, Nankai University.
石磊,加州大学伯克利分校生物统计学博士生,导师为Jingshen Wang教授和Peng Ding教授。他的研究方向包括因果推断和高维统计学。石磊在南开大学数学科学学院获得学士学位。
The quadratic assignment procedure (QAP) is a popular tool for analyzing network data in medical and social sciences. To test the association between two network measurements represented by two symmetric matrices, QAP calculates the p-value by permuting the units, or equivalently, by simultaneously permuting the rows and columns of one matrix. Its extension to the regression setting, known as the multiple regression QAP, has also gained popularity, especially in psychometrics. However, the statistics theory for QAP has not been fully established in the literature. We fill the gap in this paper. We formulate the network models underlying various QAPs. We derive (a) the asymptotic sampling distributions of some canonical test statistics and (b) the corresponding asymptotic permutation distributions induced by QAP under strong and weak null hypotheses. Task (a) relies on applying the theory of U-statistics, and task (b) relies on applying the theory of double-indexed permutation statistics. The combination of tasks (a) and (b) provides a relatively complete picture of QAP. Overall, our asymptotic theory suggests that using properly studentized statistics in QAP is a robust choice in that it is finite-sample exact under the strong null hypothesis and preserves the asymptotic type one error rate under the weak null hypothesis.