主 题:一种新的免模型高维变量选择方法
主办单位:统计研究中心和统计学院 科研处
李长城,大连理工大学数学科学学院教授。研究兴趣主要包括高维统计推断及高维因果推断。在高维统计的理论、应用以及计算方面进行了一系列研究,文章发表于一流学术期刊Journal of American Statistical Association、Journal of Econometrics、Annals of Applied Statistics、Statistica Sinica等,入选国家级青年人才计划。
We propose a model-free variable selection approach, namely CONstrained KErnel Regression (CONKER). Instead of relying on model-based loss functions, the proposed CONKER approach is developed based on conditional independence relationship measured by conditional distance covariance/correlation. The CONKER coefficient vector is defined to be the vector satisfying the approximated conditional independence constraints. The proposed approach provides a solution path by varying the tuning parameter in the conditional independence constraints. We prove that the proposed CONKER approach can consistently identify the true important predictor set under high-dimensional model-free settings. The advantage of the proposed procedure is further shown by various numerical studies. More specifically, the proposed model-free procedure surpasses the existing model-based methods in the presence of model misspecification while outperforms or at least equates to the existing ones with correctly specified models.
主讲人提出了一种无模型变量选择方法,即约束核回归(CONKER)。该方法不是依赖于基于模型的损失函数,而是基于条件独立关系,这种关系通过条件距离协方差/相关性来衡量。CONKER 系数向量被定义为满足近似条件独立约束的向量。通过在条件独立约束中调整调节参数,该方法提供了解路径。主讲人证明了在高维无模型设置下,所提出的 CONKER 方法能够一致地识别出真正重要的预测变量集。通过各种数值研究进一步展示了该方法的优势。具体而言,在存在模型误设的情况下,所提出的无模型方法优于现有的基于模型的方法,而在模型正确指定的情况下,其表现至少与现有方法相当。