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林华珍 教授 博导


西南财经大学首席教授,统计研究中心主任, 首届新基石研究员,国际数理统计学会IMS-fellow,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,国家级人才项目入选者。

主要研究方向为深度学习理论、非参数方法、生存数据分析、函数型数据分析、因子模型、转换模型等。研究成果发表在包括国际统计学四大顶级期刊JASAAoSJRSSBBiometrika上。目前是国际统计学顶刊JASAAssociate Editor,还先后担任生物统计顶刊《Biometrics》、计量经济顶刊《Journal of Business & Economic Statistics》、及国际统计重要综合类期刊《Scandinavian Journal of Statistics》、《Canadian Journal of Statistics》、《Statistics and Its Interface》、《Statistical Theory and Related Fields》的Associate Editor,国内权威或核心学术期刊《数学学报》(英文)、《应用概率统计》、《系统科学与数学》、《数理统计与管理》编委会编委。




1996年 9月-1999年12月,博士,华西医科大学公共卫生学院;

1989年 9月-1992年 7月,硕士,四川大学数学系;

1985年 9月-1989年 7月,学士,四川大学数学系。




2006年1月-2009年12月, 教授,四川大学数学学院;


2000年07月-2003年11月, 副教授,四川大学数学学院;

1999年05月-2000年7月, 讲师,四川大学数学学院;

1992年07月-1999年5月, 讲师,成都科技大学应用数学系。



2021年国际数理统计协会IMS fellow;







  1. Wei Liu, Huazhen Lin*, Jin Liu and Shurong Zheng (2024). Two-directional simultaneous inference for high-dimensional models. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 42, 298–309.

  2. Chenlin Zhang,Huazhen Lin*.Li Liu, Jin Liu and Yi Li (2023). Functional data analysis with covariate-dependent mean and covariance structures. Biometrics.79,2232-2245

  3. Ye He#, Ling Zhou#, Yingcun Xia and Huazhen Lin* (2023). Centre-augmented L2-type regularization for subgroup learning.Biometrics.79,2157-2170.

  4. Liu Wei, Huazhen Lin*, Shurong Zheng and Jin Liu (2023). Generalized factor model for ultra-high dimensional correlated variables with mixed types. Journal of the American Statistical Association.118,1385-1401.

  5. Huazhen Lin*, Jiaxin Liu, Haoqi Li, Lixian Pan and Yi Li.(2022) Efficient Estimation and Computation in Generalized Varying Coefficient Models with Unknown Link and Variance Functions for Larg-Scale Data. Statistica Sinica.32, 847-868..

  6. Qinzhi Zhong, Huazhen Lin* and Yi Li.(2021) Cluster Non-Gaussian Functional Data. Biometrics. 77, 852-865.

  7. Huazhen Lin*, Wei Liu and Wei Lan (2021). Regression analysis with individual-specific patterns of missing covariates. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 39, 179-188.

  8. Huazhen Lin, Jiakun Jiang, Binhuan Wang* and Paul S. F. Yip (2021). A threshold varying-coefficient autoregressive model for analyzing the influence of media reports of suicide on the actual suicides. Statistica Sinica. 31, 361-390.

  9. Ling Zhou, Huazhen Lin*,Kani Chen and Hua Liang(2019). Efficient estimation and computation of parameters and nonparametric functions in generalized semi/non-parametric regression models. Journal of Econometrics. 213,593-607.

  10. Ling Zhou, Huazhen Lin* and Hua Liang (2018). Efficient estimation of the nonparametric mean and covariance functions for longitudinal and sparse functional data. Journal of the American Statistical Association,113, 1550-1564.

  11. Shaogao Lv, Jiakun Jiang, Fanyin Zhou, Jian Huang and Huazhen Lin* (2018). Estimating High-Dimensional Additive Cox Model With time-Dependent Covariate Processes. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 45, 900-922.

  12. Ye He, Huazhen Lin* and Dongsheng Tu (2018). A single-index threshold Cox proportional hazard model for identifying treatment-sensitive subset based on multiple biomarkers. Statistics in Medicine, 37,3267-3279.

  13. Huazhen Lin*,Fanyin Zhou, Qiuxia Wang, Ling Zhou and Jing Qin (2018). Robust and efficient estimation for the treatment effect in causal inference and missing data problems. Journal of Econometrics, 205, 363-380.

  14. Shaogao Lv, Huazhen Lin*, Heng Lian and Jian Huang (2018). Oracle Inequalities for Sparse Additive Quantile Regression in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space. The Annals of Statistics, 46, 781–813.

  15. Huazhen Lin*, Lixian Pan, Shaogao Lv and Wenyang Zhang (2018). Efficient Estimation and Computation for the Generalized Additive Models with Unknown Link Function. Journal of Econometrics, 202,230–244.

  16. Yunbei Ma, Yi Li, Huazhen Lin* and Yi Li (2017). Concordance measure-based feature screening and variable selection. Statistica Sinica. 27, 1967-1985.

  17. Huazhen Lin*, Ling Zhou and Binhuan Wang (2017). Generalized partial linear models with unknown link and unknown baseline functions for longitudinal data. Statistica Sinica, 27, 1281-1298.

  18. Huazhen Lin*,Zhe Fei and Yi Li (2016). A semiparametrically efficient estimator of the time-varying effects for survival data with time-dependent treatment. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 43, 649-663.

  19. Huazhen Lin*,Ming T. Tan and Yi Li (2016). A Semiparametrically Efficient Estimator of Single-index Varying Coefficient Cox Proportional Hazards Models. Statistica Sinica, 26, 779-807.

  20. Huazhen Lin, Ling Zhou and Xiao-Hua Zhou* (2014). Semiparametric regression analysis of longitudinal skewed data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 41, 1031–1050.

  21. Ling Zhou, Huazhen Lin*, Xin-Yuan Song and Yi Li(2014). Selection of latent variables for multiple mixed-outcome models. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 41, 1064-1082.

  22. Huazhen Lin*,Ling Zhou, Chunhong Li, Yi Li (2014). Semiparametric transformation models for semicompeting survival data. Biometrics,70, 599-607.

  23. Huazhen Lin*,Ling Zhou, Robert M. Elashof, Yi Li (2014). Semiparametric latent variable transformation models for multiple mixed outcomes. Statistica Sinica, 24 , 833-854.

  24. Huazhen Lin, Xiao-hua Zhou* and Gang Li (2012). A Direct Semiparametric Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Regression with Unknown Link and Baseline Functions. Statistica Sinica, 22, 1427-1456.

  25. Kani Chen, Huazhen Lin* and Yong Zhou (2012). Efficient estimation for the Cox model with varying coefficients. Biometrika, 99, 379-392.

  26. Huazhen Lin, Danping Liu, Xiao-Hua Zhou* (2010). A correlated random effects model for longitudinal data with nonignorable missingness, Statistics in Medicine,29, 236-247.

  27. Huazhen Lin and Zhou, X. H.* (2009). A semi-parametric two-part mixed-effects heteroscedastic transformation model for correlated right-skewed semi-continuous data. Biostatistics, 10, 640-658.

  28. Zhou, X. H.*, Huazhen Lin and Johnson, E. (2009). Nonparametric heteroscedastic transformation regression models for skewed data with an application to health care costs. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 70, pp. 1029-1047.

  29. Huazhen Lin, Paul S.F.YIP* and Feng Chen (2009). Estimating the Population Size for a Multiple List Problem with an Open Population, Statistica Sinica, 19, 177-196.

  30. Zhou, X. H.*, and Huazhen Lin (2008). Semi-parametric maximum likelihood estimates for ROC curves of continuous-scale tests. Statistics in Medicine,10,571-5290.

  31. Huazhen Lin, Paul S.F.YIP* and Richard M. Huggins (2008) A Double-nonparametric Procedure for Estimating the Number of Delay-reported Cases.Statistics in Medicine,27,3325-3339.

  32. Zhou, X. H.*, Qin, G., Huazhen Lin, and Li, G. (2006). Inferences in Censored Cost Regression Models with Empirical Likelihood, Statistica Sinica, 16, 1213-1232.

  33. Jianqing Fan, Huazhen Lin and Yong Zhou* (2006). Local partial-likelihood estimation for life time data. The Annals of Statistics, 34, 290-325.

  34. Paul S.F.Yip*, Huazhen Lin and Liqun Xi (2005). A Semiparametric Method for Estimating Population Size for Capture-Recapture Experiments with Random Covariates in Continuous Time. Biometrics, 61, 1085-1092.




课题负责:科技部数学和应用研究国家重点研发: “分布式统计学习理论与方法”,课题编号:2022YFA1003702,执行期限:2022年12月-2027年11月。


国内主持: 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金延续资助项目: “超高维影像数据的特征、结构学习以及统计推断”(主持人 Yi Li),项目编号:11829101,执行期限::2019年01月-2022年12月。


国内主持: 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金: “复杂结构的超高维生物医学数据的统计建模方法”(主持人 Yi Li),项目编号:11528102,执行期限::2016年01月-2017年12月。




主持:教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划, 2011年1月-2013年12月。





中方负责:英国皇家国际合作项目:“Nonparametric regression estimation of large covariance matrix for complex data”(英方主持:潘建新教授). 执行期限:2010年10月1日-2012年9月30日。

主持: 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“双重半参数线性转换模型及其应用”,项目编号:10771148,执行期限:2008年1月-2010年12月。已完成。







《Journal of the American Statistical Association》Associate Editor(2023,08-至今);

《Scandinavian Journal of Statistics》Associate Editor(2014,01-至今);

《Journal of Business & Economic Statistics》Associate Editor(2019,08-至今);

《Canadian Journal of Statistics》Associate Editor(2019,01-至今);

《Statistical Theory and Related Fields》Associate Editor(2017-至今);

《Biometrics》Associate Editor(2014,07-2016.06);

《Statistics and Its Interface》Associate Editor(2015,08-2019,01);







  • 国际泛华统计协会(ICSA)Board of Director(2023-2025,国内唯一);

  • 中国现场统计研究会副理事长(2021年-至今);

  • 东亚及太平洋地区伯努利学会Bernoulli society East-Asian Pacific Region (EAPRC)委员(2020年03-2023年12月)

  • 国际概率论与数理统计学会中国分会 (IMS-China)委员(2008年-2012年;2015年-至今);

  • 国际生物统计中国分会(IBS-CHINA) 常务委员(2013年-至今);

  • 国际泛华统计协会(ICSA) 中国分会委员(2014年-至今);

  • 中国现场统计研究会数据科学与人工智能分会理事长(2019年-至今);

  • 全国工业统计学教学研究会副会长(2018-至今);



本科:      生存分析;概率论与数理统计;实用多元分析;






