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芝加哥大学 王静姝博士:Estimating Causal Relationship for Complex Traits with Weak and Heterogeneous Genetic Effects


主题:Estimating Causal Relationship for Complex Traits with Weak and Heterogeneous Genetic Effects


主持人:统计学院统计研究中心 林华珍教授



主办单位:统计研究中心 统计学院 科研处


   Jingshu Wang joined The University of Chicago statistics department as an assistant professor in 2019. She received my Ph.D. in statistics from Stanford in 2016 and was a postdoc researcher at Wharton Statistics Department from 2016-2019. Her main research interest is in developing statistical methods for cutting-edge bio-technologies and genetic problems.



Genetic association signals tend to be spread across the whole genome for complex traits. The recently proposed ''omnigenic'' model indicates that, when the risk factor is a complex trait, most genetic variants can weakly affect the risk factor while also easily affecting a common disease not through the risk factor. Existing methods in Mendelian Randomization (MR) are not ideal under such pervasive pleiotropy. We propose a comprehensive framework GRAPPLE (Genome-wide mR Analysis under Pervasive PLEiotropy) for MR, utilizing both strongly and weakly associated genetic variant, and can detect the existence of multiple pleiotropic pathways. We show that GRAPPLE is a comprehensive tool that can detect and adjust for pleiotropy, simultaneously estimate the causal effect of multiple risk factors and can determine the causal relationship direction using three-sample GWAS summary statistics datasets. With GRAPPLE, we conduct a screening for the lipid traits (HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides) with around 30 common diseases to understand their roles as risk factors and detect potential pleiotropic pathways.


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