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中山大学蒋智超教授:An instrumental variable method for point processes

主 题An instrumental variable method for point processes点过程的工具变量法




直播平台及会议ID:腾讯会议,ID: 392-213-590

主办单位:统计研究中心和统计学院 科研处




Point processes are probabilistic tools for modeling event data. While there exists a fast-growing literature studying the relationships between point processes, it remains unexplored how such relationships connect to causal effects. In the presence of unmeasured confounders, parameters from point process models do not necessarily have causal interpretations. We propose an instrumental variable method for causal inference with point process treatment and outcome. We define causal quantities based on potential outcomes and establish nonparametric identification results with a binary instrumental variable.

We extend the traditional Wald estimation to deal with point process treatment and outcome, showing that it should be performed after a Fourier transform of the intention-to-treat effects on the treatment and outcome and thus takes the form of deconvolution. We term this as the generalized Wald estimation and propose an estimation strategy based on well-established deconvolution methods.



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