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李 伊

李 伊

  • 李 伊  副教授

  • Email:liy@swufe.edu.cn

  • 教育背景:





  • 近期发表论文包括:

    8. Yunbei Ma, Yi Li,Huazhen Lin*And Yi Li. Concordance measure-based feature screening and variable selection. Statistica Sinica. Accepted.

    7. 李伊 ,吴振方,2015, 我国上市公司高管个人所得税陷阱,薪酬激励及决策分析, 中国劳动,(11):80~83

    6. 李伊 ,胡义南,2015,中小国有企业产权重组模式探索及策略找寻, 国有资产管理(12):63~66

    5. Huazhen Lin, Yi Li, Liang Jiang, Gang Li (2014) " A Semiparametric linear transformation model to estimate the causal effect for survival data", The Canadian Journal of Statistics. 42 18-35

    4. 李伊,郭志广(2013)《经济转型期中国农村居民消费行为分析》,宏观经济研究,2013年4期,79-87

    3. Huazhen Lin, Yi Li, Ming T. Tan (2013) "Estimating a unitary effect summary based on combined survival and quantitative outcomes", Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 66, 129-139.


    1. Li Yi, Niu Zhongjiang, The Selection of Legal Means to Balance the Public Interests and Personal Rights in Public Health Emergencies,China Legal Science,2011(2):91~97

  • 主要教授:

    本 科:计量经济学


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