主题:High Dimensional Dynamic Covariance Matrices with Homogeneous Structure
主持人:统计学院统计研究中心 林华珍教授
主办单位:统计研究中心 统计学院 科研处
张文扬教授是英国顶尖大学约克大学的统计学首席教授,商务和经济统计方面的国际顶尖期刊 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 的副主编。张文扬教授主要从事大数据分析,金融数据分析,高维数据分析,非参数建模、时间序列分析、空间数据分析,多层次建模,生存分析,结构方程模型等方向的研究。他关于ABC方法的文章被引用超过两千三百多次。张文扬教授曾先后在英国伦敦政治经济学院、英国 Kent 大学、英国 Bath 大学、英国 York 大学任教,现为英国 York 大学统计学首席教授。他曾是英国皇家统计学会科研委员会委员(历史上仅有三位华人担任该委员会委员),曾经连续担任三届统计学三大国际顶尖期刊之一 Journal of the American Statistical Association 的副主编。
High dimensional covariance matrices appear in many disciplines. Much literature has devoted to the research in high dimensional covariance matrices. However, most research is about constant covariance matrices, and constant covariance matrices are not sufficient in application, e.g. in portfolio allocation, dynamic covariance matrices would be more appropriate.
There are two difficulties with the introduction of dynamic structures into covariance matrices: (1) simply assuming each entry of a covariance matrix is a function of time to introduce the dynamic needed would not work;
(2) there is a risk of having too many unknowns to estimate due to the high dimensionality.
In this talk, we propose a dynamic structure embedded with a homogeneous structure. We will demonstrate the proposed dynamic structure makes more sense in application and avoids, in the meantime, too many unknown parameters/functions to estimate, due to the embedded homogeneous structure. An estimation procedure is also proposed to estimate the proposed high dimensional dynamic covariance matrices, and asymptotic properties are established to justify the proposed estimation procedure. Intensive simulation studies show the proposed estimation procedure works very well when the sample size is finite. Finally, we apply the proposed high dimensional dynamic covariance matrices to portfolio allocation. It is interesting to see the resulting portfolio allocation yields much better returns than some commonly used ones.