主题:Hypothesis Testing on Linear Structures of High Dimensional Covariance Matrix
主讲人:宾州州立大学 李润泽教授
主持人:周岭 副教授
时间:2019年7月5日(星期) 下午14:00-15:00
主办单位:统计研究中心 统计学院 科研处
李润泽是宾州州立大学讲席教授。他的研究方向包括高维数据建模,非参数回归,半参数回归及其统计学的应用。他是IMS,ASA和AAAS fellow。他曾担任Annals of Statistics的副主编、主编。现担任Journal of American Statistical Association的副主编。
This paper is concerned with test of significance on high dimensional covariance structures, and aims to develop a unified framework for testing commonly-used linear covariance structures. We first construct a consistent estimator for parameters involved in the linear covariance structure, and then develop two tests for the linear covariance structures based on entropy loss and quadratic loss used for covariance matrix estimation. To study the asymptotic properties of the proposed tests, we study related high dimensional random matrix theory, and establish several highly useful asymptotic results. With the aid of these asymptotic results, we derive the limiting distributions of these two tests under the null and alternative hypotheses. We further show that the quadratic loss based test is asymptotically unbiased. We conduct Monte Carlo simulation study to examine the finite sample performance of the two tests. Our simulation results show that the limiting null distributions approximate their null distributions quite well, and the corresponding asymptotic critical values keep Type I error rate very well. Our numerical comparison implies that the proposed tests outperform existing ones in terms of controlling Type I error rate and power. Our simulation indicates that the test based on quadratic loss seems to have better power than the test based on entropy loss.