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南加州大学 Yingying Fan教授: An Empirical Bayes Solution for Selection Bias in Functional Data


主题:An Empirical Bayes Solution for Selection Bias in Functional Data

主讲人:南加州大学 Yingying Fan教授

主持人:郭斌 副教授



主办单位:统计研究中心 统计学院 科研处


Yingying Fan is   Dean's Associate Professor in Business Administration in Data Sciences and   Operations Department of the Marshall School of Business at the University of   Southern California, Associate Professor in Departments of Economics and   Computer Science at USC, and an Associate Fellow of USC Dornsife Institute   for New Economic Thinking (INET). She received her Ph.D. in Operations   Research and Financial Engineering from Princeton University in 2007. She was   Lecturer in the Department of Statistics at Harvard University from   2007-2008. Her research interests include statistics, data science, machine   learning, economics, and big data and business applications.

Yingying Fan是南加州大学 Marshall 商学院数据科学与运行系工商管理副院长,南加州大学经济与计算机科学系副教授、南加州大学多恩西夫新经济思维研究所(INET)副研究员。2007年,她在普林斯顿大学获得了运筹学和金融工程学博士学位。2007-2008年,她于哈佛大学担任统计学系的讲师。她的研究方向包括统计学、数据科学、机器学习、经济学、大数据和商业应用。


Selection bias results from the sampling of extreme observations and is a well recognized issue for standard scalar or multivariate data. Numerous approaches have been proposed to address the issue, dating back at least as far as the James-Stein shrinkage estimator. However, the same potential issue arises, albeit with additional complications, for functional data. Given a set of observed functions, one may wish to select for further analysis those which are most extreme according to some metric such as the average, variance, or maximum value of the function. However, given that functions are often noisy realizations of some underlying mean process, these outliers are likely to generate biased estimates of the quantity of interest. In this paper we propose an empirical Bayes approach, using a variant of Tweedie's formula, to adjust such functional data to generate approximately unbiased estimates of the true mean functions. Our approach has several advantages. It is non-parametric in nature, but is capable of automatically shrinking back towards a James-Stein type estimator in low signal situations. It is also computationally e cient and possesses desirable theoretical properties. Furthermore, we demonstrate through extensive simulations and real data analyses that our approach can produce signi cant improvements in prediction accuracy relative to possible competitors.


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